Healthy aspects of having Lime or Lemon in your water.

Blog entry

25th Jan

How much water do you drink each day?

Reasons why you should drink more water.

Drinking more water each day will keep your body hydrated. During my own journey of losing weight, I have always read that water will help me lose extra fat. You should always have a glass of water each time that you have a meal, I’ll be honest I do not always do this.

I once read that you should drink 3 litres of water per day! I am sure since then, the amount per day has changed. Personally, I have begun to make sure that I drink a 500ml glass of water before breakfast and in the evening.

A better you starts with better hydration. Watch this video and discover 30 reasons why you should drink more water. And then once you realise how important water is, drink better water. Our alkaline ionized water hydrates better. Water with a pH of 9.5 or higher is the only water ever shown to clinically hydrate better.

Since deciding to drink a glass of water each morning, I have included either a slice of lime or lemon in my water. I have now decided to continue with this routine as it makes me feel good.

The benefits of lime and lemon in your water are, see images below.

Here are some of my own lime social media pictures

I have also decided to not drink flavoured water, during my workout. So yesterday I went and purchased some lemons to use in the water I drink.

I do think that this is a good change in my life as I am a lover of coffee, so this will add to my coffee intake and maybe, I will drink more water than coffee.

I have written this blog to encourage others to drink more water each day and if you do not like the taste of water then consider using these fruit in your own glass of water.

Let me know your thoughts on drinking water

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