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Are you thinking of returning to fitness routine?

1st, CONSIDER THE WEATHER AND YOUR SAFTEY…. Keep reading these safety tips from Matthew Magnante, an exercise author at FitnessVolt, to help you start the year off right.

  1. Drink even if you don’t feel thirsty 

@aquapax water brand to drink and enjoy as you work out or to quench your thirst throughout the day. With sustainable cartons to recycle. Once finished,

 You may not realise this, but we are at elevated risk of dehydration when exercising in cold temperatures. When it is cold, our blood vessels constrict to reduce heat loss through our skin, maintaining our core body temperature.

 During this process, a hormone called plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP), which normally signals thirst, is secreted at a lower rate than when exercising in hot weather. This explains why you might crave water less when exercising in winter.

To prevent dehydration, continue drinking water as you would during the summer. Drink a glass of water before heading out. Make sure you continue to sip a drink throughout and after your workout.

Don't forget to fuel your body with food before exercising outdoors. You typically burn more calories in cold weather to maintain your core body temperature, so it's imperative to prioritise nutrition if you want to maintain energy throughout your workout.

 2. Choose polyester over cotton t-shirts 

 If you sweat while exercising, cotton is one of the least comfortable materials you can wear when temperatures drop.

  •  Cotton is highly absorbent, which means that as you sweat, the material tends to stay wet rather than dry out. Water conducts heat away from the body 25 times faster than air. This means you will lose body heat much faster at colder temperatures, and increases your risk of hyperthermia.

  • Moisture-wicking materials, such as polyester or wool, keep you warmer because their fibers absorb less water, and dry out faster. Polyester fibers insulate you even when wet by trapping a layer of air between the fabric, and your skin. In addition, the shape of its fibers is designed to remove water.

  • A three-tier layering system works best, comprised of a base layer such as polyester, a main layer such as wool, and a waterproof outer layer that repels rain, snow and wind. This way, you create multiple layers of insulation, while allowing sweat to move through the layers and evaporate into the air.

3. Set specific times

Getting back into the right frame of mind after the Christmas buzz is one of the ways you will have to readjust. It can certainly take its toll on you. So, without a gym schedule, you will make plenty of excuses not to exercise. Consider your day-to-day schedule, and choose your workout slot based on where you have free time. This way, you can mentally prepare yourself and avoid excuses. Plus, a planned exercise slot will ensure your workload won’t take over, as it’s a given that you will be back to a busy work routine.

 4. Stretch before and after exercise 

Please remember that stretching before exercising is particularly critical in winter, as your muscles tend to contract to conserve heat, which makes them more prone to injury. I would suggest you incorporate dynamic stretches before heading out, such as body weight squats, calf raises and jumping jacks. This will get your blood flowing and increase your core body temperature before you head outside.

To cool down, perform static stretches, which require you to stretch and hold a muscle group for 15-30 seconds. Static stretches also help reduce injury, but should only be used as part of a cool-down routine, to lower your heart rate, and relax your muscles. Everyday repetitive movements include hamstring stretches, quad stretches and calf stretches.

Remember, we want to work out, but not injure ourselves…

5, Don’t overexert yourself

While pushing yourself is usually encouraged in fitness, it’s sensible not to push yourself to the extreme, particularly after some time away from exercise. Whether it’s weightlifting or cardio, doing too much exercise can lead to overuse injuries, including muscle strains and tendon injuries, which means you are less capable of meeting your fitness goals. After some time off, it’s natural not to lift as heavy or run as far – so it’s crucial not to let it discourage you, as you will soon gain your ability if you stay consistent with your exercise. As well, overdoing it can lead to burnout in the early stages and make you dread a workout, rather than enjoying it. If you feel yourself giving up, try to commit to five minutes and finish your workout if you don’t feel capable of doing anymore. However, this five-minute rule will motivate you to do more.

6. Partner up

Finding a friend with similar fitness goals is beneficial for many reasons, including motivation after time away. For the days you don’t feel like exercising, a fitness partner can motivate you to get ready and get it done – plus, during a workout, your partner can even push you to take it to the next level, such as lifting a slightly heavier weight or increasing the incline setting on the treadmill. Having a partner can also keep you accountable to stay on track with your fitness plan, and recognise any goals yet to be met. Better yet, it makes it a time to socialise so you look forward to it more. In addition, your partner can spot you to make your workout safer.

5. Safety precautions - Let someone know where you’re heading 

It is imperative to let someone know where you are heading before heading out for a walk or run during winter. For iPhone users, you can temporarily enable location sharing on the Find My app. This will enable family, friends or your partner to track your location if you slip and injure yourself while exercising on ice or snow.

Content credit - & ‘Welly Pictures’ photographs taken for clients, sporting events and stock galleries. If you like the images within this blog, get in touch and we can work on a blog. This is where you provide the content and pay for a photo shoot for images to be included in the blog. I work with fitness, yoga or dance companies. I can take key social media and website images for your company if you are looking to enhance your visual image.

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